Paper Review: The Evolution of Social Norms

I write a lot on this blog about rationality. Not only is it interesting in its own right, but the claim that we are rational creatures has been at the center of western philosophy for millennia, even when under attack. However, regardless of whether or not one thinks we are rational beings, there is one… Continue reading Paper Review: The Evolution of Social Norms

Paper Review: Human-level performance in 3D multiplayer games with population-based reinforcement learning

I remember watching AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol in Go back in 2016 with my roommates and thinking that I was feeling how people must have felt when they watched the moon landing live. This is monumental. Since then, progress has not slowed down. Back in April OpenAI Five secured a decisive win against world champions… Continue reading Paper Review: Human-level performance in 3D multiplayer games with population-based reinforcement learning

Paper Review: Asymmetric Population Games and the Legacy of Maynard Smith: From Evolution to Game Theory and Back?

One day you are walking along the street, and someone in front of you drops a $50 bill. Even though no one around is really paying attention, most of us will pick it up and give it back to the person. Why is that? Maybe it has something to do with morals in this case… Continue reading Paper Review: Asymmetric Population Games and the Legacy of Maynard Smith: From Evolution to Game Theory and Back?